
Closing Thoughts: Benjamin to Brecht

Christopher Norris
Issue 149
Mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual . . . . From a photographic negative, for example, one can make any number of prints;...

Social Minds in the Novel by Alan Palmer (review)

Laurence M. Porter
Issue 136
...or film. His main examples, in path-breaking analyses of George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Charles Dickens’s Little Dorrit, come from nineteenth-century British literature, but they should inspire studies in other areas....

Sovereignty Conditioned and Unconditioned

Paul Patton
Issue 134
...pace that allows not only for frequent mention of things to be discussed (for example, that the reason of the strongest is always the best), but also for looping back...

Drone Penalty

David Wills
Issue 134
...a writing that attempts to address what we call current events, particularly an academic writing—as distinct, for example, from journalistic writing—whose rhythms of composition and publication obey particular protocols and...

Romantic Conservatism in Burke, Wordsworth, and Wendell Berry

Katey Castellano
Issue 125
...lost harmony between humans and nature” (229). Foreseeing that the rise and progress of industrial modernity might irreversibly erode both the landscape and local communities, Romantic literature questions humanistic, technological...


For over 50 years, SubStance has published rigorous, creative contributions to contemporary critical debates from a range of theoretical perspectives. Consistent with our commitment to readers and authors to expect...

Love in the Time of Capital

Mark Steven
Issue 147
This essay begins with Alain Badiou’s book, In Praise of Love, and ends with Jean-Luc Godard’s film of the same title. Between these narrative poles and drawing on a web...

Divinatory Chances

Rocco Gangle
Issue 121
Two issues for Deleuze’s thought converge in its encounter with combinatorial divination: (1) the problem of a philosophical affirmation of the “whole of chance” or of “all chance in a...

Breathing with Denise Levertov

Noëlle Batt
Issue 160
...who would at last be wise enough to remain discreet, and refrain from any untimely interference with the life of the Earth. Works Cited Levertov, Denise. “The Breathing.”, .com/The-Breathing...

Introduction: Reading After Blanchot

Zakir Paul
Issue 155
...So how, if at all, does Blanchot speak to the present? Responses to this question are quickly complicated by the rich and varied reception of his work. A lifelong friend...

Soundscape and Power

Serge Cardinal, Oana Avasilichioaei
Issue 152
In Balcony in the Forest, Julien Gracq composes a soundscape as a series of spatial events and material affects. He snatches it from “the smoke and the suburbs of Charleville”...

Introduction: Film and / as Ethics

Robert Sinnerbrink, Lisa Trahair
Issue 141
...that intersect with, without being reducible to, philosophical inquiry. Inspired by the work of Gilles Deleuze and Stanley Cavell, many theorists are now engaged in what has come to be...

Posing Sex: Prospects for a Perceptual Ethics

Alan Singer
Issue 139
Sexuality and sexual desire remain tantalizing conundrums for the universalizing intellect, desirous of comprehending the human condition even in its most unconditional manifestations. The representation of sexuality in the history...

Introduction: Translation Matters

Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt, André Habib
Issue 137 the transnational circulation of ideas and cultural productions in a global cultural context. Yet translation – and the untranslatability it elicits and sometimes implies – has come to embody...