
Impact, or The Business of the University

David F. Bell
Issue 130
...the sort provoked by the Thatcher initiative and its eventual codification in the form of the newest version of the REF. It has been developing in a more insidious and...

Perec en Amérique by Jean-Jacques Thomas (review)

Warren Motte
Issue 149 in America; and his own artistic vision was in some ways closer to New York avant-garde aesthetics than to those encountered in mainstream Parisian culture. Thomas argues that Perec...

Introduction: Rock Records

Paul A. Harris, Richard Turner, A.J. Nocek
Issue 146
...occult lithography. As the initial issue in a new digital/intermedial series of SubStance aimed at interweaving creative and critical work, Rock Records also features digital versions of essays with photo-rich...

Viewing Stones:

Paul A. Harris, Richard Turner
Issue 146
...these traditions and are creating new ways of displaying stones. Petraphiles, whether ancient or contemporary, are often drawn to express their appreciation of favored stones in writing. The Petraphiles represented...

Relearning the Art of Paying Attention: A Conversation

Martin Savransky, Isabelle Stengers
Issue 145
...about philosophy. When I left chemistry, I knew that in chemistry there were “good questions,” concerned with advancing knowledge, and any other question would not be considered serious. And to...

Animality and Contagion in Balzac’s Père Goriot

Travis Wilds
Issue 144
...their minute description of the boardinghouse, where much of the novel’s action takes place, these pages emphasize physical setting, Auerbach argues, in a way new to Western literature. Yet Balzac’s...

At the Aphasiac’s Table: Archive Anxiety.docx

Anthony Purdy
Issue 135
...a football player of the period, a half-finished jigsaw of a seventeenth-century Dutch interior, a toy skunk, a newly bound dissertation, a two-inch tall baobab tree lying on its side,...

Plus d’un toucher: Touching Worlds

Will Bishop, Irving Goh
Issue 126
...also awaken, in the one whose shoulder is tapped or whose skin is brushed against, an aspect of the self that he or she never knew existed, an aspect that...

Consider the Dragonfly: Cary Wolfe’s Posthumanism

Michael Lundblad
Issue 126
...kind much at all in this otherwise erudite, wide-ranging, and impressive new book. But the cover art points toward the “two different senses of posthumanism” (xix) that are brought together...

The Revolutionary Unconscious: Deleuze and Masoch

Edward P. Kazarian
Issue 122
...disease, distinguished it from cases with which it had until then been confused, by determining and grouping the symptoms in a new and decisive manner” (125). The clear implication of...

Deleuze, Guattari, and the “Politics of Sorcery”

Joshua Delpech-Ramey
Issue 121
...seem that to renew reason philosophy would have to take account of dimensions of objects not reducible to objectivity. If the Enlightenment arbitrarily and disastrously reduced reason to formulas of...

Anecdotes, Faits Divers, and the Literary

Dominique Jullien
Issue 118
...smaller news items),obviously have significant overlap. One could propose that anecdotes are little stories about big people, while faits divers are stories about little people made big by publicity or...

The Anecdotal: Truth in Detail

Marcel Hénaff, Jean-Louis Morhange
Issue 118
...a term and as a genre until the 17th century. The word literally designates what is new: a fact or detail that was unknown to the public and had not...

Ecologocentrism: Unworking Animals

Timothy Morton
Issue 117
...avoid “new and improved” versions that end up doing much the same thing (systems theory, Spinozan pantheism, or Deleuze-and-Guattari type worlds of interlocking machines, and so on), just in a...

Breaking Earth

Alexis Rider, Paul A. Harris
Issue 162 complex webs among bodies born of chiasmic crossings of Anthro-progeny and Geo-orogeny. Conceived as a companion almanac to Jemisin’s trilogy—though references to that work are intentionally oblique—the volume pursues...

Heights They Should Never Have Scaled: Our (Weird) Planet

Gry Ulstein
Issue 156
...reveal tensions in how we conceptualize the environment, the human, and the nonhuman. By comparing the narrative strategies in the walrus scene to similar strategies in Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach...


For over 50 years, SubStance has published rigorous, creative contributions to contemporary critical debates from a range of theoretical perspectives. Consistent with our commitment to readers and authors to expect...


...length is usually between 7,000 and 8,000 words. Please edit longer articles so the argument comes forward succinctly. Hybrid pieces length will be considered on an individual basis. Our review...

Varieties of Nothing

John Brenkman
Issue 155
...with Nietzsche in the antifoundationalist, postmodern philosophy of Gianni Vattimo, and with Pascal in the reflexive sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, occasions pertinent comparisons to Blanchot as a reader of Pascal...

Claire Denis and the World Cinema of Refusal

Rosalind Galt
Issue 133 Argentina, Iceland and Greece in the 2000s. Embedded as it almost always is within the global circuits of capitalist culture, cinema has a particularly complex relationship to globalization: these...

Art and Value: An Essay in Three Voices

Patrick Colm Hogan
Issue 131
...Indeed, when it comes to teachers and students of literature, even that question is not quite accurate. Rather, there are three separate questions. First, should verbal art matter? Put differently,...

Introduction: “Impacting” Higher Education?

Eric Méchoulan, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 130
...of the public and the construction of a common ground. On the contrary, it seems that this allows the university to be appropriated by those with the means to do...

Elove: What Does Fiction Know?

Sydney Levy
Issue 147
What does it take to make a machine that you may love and that has the potential of loving you back? It is the necessary conceptual components, as opposed to...

Love in the Time of Capital

Mark Steven
Issue 147
...cinema has evolved. These two theses are explored concurrently as they advance through the twentieth- and into the twenty-first century, evolving a visual language of what Badiou calls “minimal communism.”...

1, 2, 3, 4 Futures—Ludic Forms in Narrative Films

Henriette Heidbrink
Issue 130
...rely on well-known narrative schemata, and on the other hand they comprise something that is actually impossible: alternative futures. One central thesis raised by spokespersons of the forking-path-debate claims that,...