
Anecdotes, Faits Divers, and the Literary

Dominique Jullien
Issue 118
...they are not considered fit to be a serious basis for a philosophical discussion or scholarly elaboration, though they could open the way for one. In fact, one could apply...

Impacting the University: An Archeology of the Future

Eric Méchoulan, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 130
...on the side of an economically viable 21st century. Thus it appears useful, in our highly utilitarian times, to examine the notion more closely and to grasp the very impact...

Jacques Derrida: Biography in Action

Jan Baetens
Issue 128
...biography recently published in France (and forthcoming in English translation at Polity Press) can be seen as an example of how to confront many of the difficulties presented by attempts...

Olivier Rolin: Habitation in the Empiritext

Allan Stoekl
Issue 157
This essay is a discussion of two works by contemporary French writer Olivier Rolin: Le Météorologue (2014) and Bakou, derniers jours (2010), both examples of empiritext, a contemporary genre of...

Intermediality: An Introduction to the Arts of Transmission

Eric Méchoulan, Angela Carr
Issue 138 or a specific medium. Consider the example that cinema provides: “its medium-specific possibility seems to have been well and truly overrun by its tendency to intermediality, its fundamental impurity....


Jared Gardner
Issue 124
...narrative, for example, one could have imagined narrative theory beating a hasty retreat. After all, as Metz reminds us, film is not a language system; it has no easy equivalent...

The Body of Light and the Body without Organs

William Behum
Issue 121
Among the most problematic of the main concepts of Deleuze and Guattari’s thinking is the Body without Organs (BwO.) This paper undertakes to examine the BwO in the light of...


Katherine Ibbett
Issue 160
...the Protestant minority, under increasing and violent pressure from the Catholic state, met his example with a last gasp of their own. The term “souffle” is everywhere in the martyrologies...

Flotsam: A Theory of Waste in the Anthropocene

Emily McAvan
Issue 164
In this article, I propose the concept of flotsam –waste washed-up or discarded in water –as a means of making sense of the pollution of the Anthropocene. Using examples taken...

Journal Supplement: Roger Caillois Mineral Collection

Paul A. Harris
Issue 146
Selections from Caillois’s renowned mineral collection are paired with passages from his early book The Writings of Stones. This gallery provides a rich backdrop for reading the excerpts from Caillois’s...

Appreciating Appreciation

Charles F. Altieri
Issue 131
...and acts of expression that display states of mind and feeling but do not describe them. My full case will require a book. That is good news for me but...

The Anecdote: Introduction

Andrea Loselle
Issue 118 the childhood or adolescence of the printed book, interpreters of the former would somehow find within its meaning and essence the virtues of the latter. An anecdote must be...

Jean Genet: Politics and Performance (review)

Gene A. Plunka
Issue 118
...full-length studies of Genet’s theater published in English since 1990 (I wrote one of them, while Brian Kennelly’s book on Genet’s posthumously published plays is the other), and there have...

Wandering the Magnetosphere

Ingrid Koenig
Issue 162
Navigation notes: These emergent drawings–excerpts from a visual essay–take up the complex network of impacts across physical forces entangled with bio-geo-political time. A key element for this work is a...

Heights They Should Never Have Scaled: Our (Weird) Planet

Gry Ulstein
Issue 156
...reveal tensions in how we conceptualize the environment, the human, and the nonhuman. By comparing the narrative strategies in the walrus scene to similar strategies in Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach...

Varieties of Nothing

John Brenkman
Issue 155
...with Nietzsche in the antifoundationalist, postmodern philosophy of Gianni Vattimo, and with Pascal in the reflexive sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, occasions pertinent comparisons to Blanchot as a reader of Pascal...

Clon’d, or a Note on Propagation

Adam R. Rosenthal
Issue 148
...philological analysis of the word “clone,” I then turn to the conceptual parallels between vegetative reproduction and linguistic reproduction. Through a comparison between the clone and the double, I argue,...

Preview: The Petriverse of Pierre Jardin

Paul A. Harris
Issue 148
SubStance@Work, a peer-reviewed imprint of SubStance, Inc., is a series comprised of born-digital works that integrate non-linear structure and multimedia content in innovative theoretical explorations. New works are previewed in...

Claire Denis and the World Cinema of Refusal

Rosalind Galt
Issue 133 Argentina, Iceland and Greece in the 2000s. Embedded as it almost always is within the global circuits of capitalist culture, cinema has a particularly complex relationship to globalization: these...

Art and Value: An Essay in Three Voices

Patrick Colm Hogan
Issue 131
...Indeed, when it comes to teachers and students of literature, even that question is not quite accurate. Rather, there are three separate questions. First, should verbal art matter? Put differently,...