
Le Fils and the Limits of Philosophical Ethics

Damian Cox
Issue 141
...a kind of achievement: the Wittgensteinian achievement of elucidating the inner connections between aspects of a thing, but also a representation that captures some of its richness, complexity and ambiguity....

Spatial Memory: Variations on Classical Themes

David F. Bell
Issue 140
...encounter with Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster in the entrance foyer ensued, during which salient details of the Muppet’s appearance were described down to the smell of his constant companion, a...

A Note on Deleuze and Renaissance Art

Jimena Berzal de Dios
Issue 139
...Withdrawn and private, the Renaissance appears not as a compelling or enticing adversary, but a bureaucratic administrator of the state machine, instituting universal regulations and a system of surveillance without...

Intermediality: Axis of Relevance

Rémy Besson
Issue 138 productions. In such cases, intermediality is a tool that is placed in the service of a comparativist and multidisciplinary approach to research (Mueller). As a concept, then, it is...

Philosophy as Translation

Barbara Agnese, Claire-Anne Gormally
Issue 137
...last century, embodies a polyphonic, complex cognitive enterprise which includes both original uses of language and sophisticated patterns of moral reflection. Modern literature thus represents a new model of paradigmatic...

Téléphone arabe

Clément de Gaulejac, Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt
Issue 137 of my films.” – Raoul Ruiz Definition In French, the expression “téléphone arabe” has two meanings: 1) An oral communication and, furthermore, a rumor or unreliable information; 2) A...

Dancing Across the Page by Karen Barbour (review)

Milisava Petković
Issue 137
...and comments on the political aims she has formed through her own life experience as a dancer, dance instructor, academic researcher and author, feminist, woman, mother, and English-speaking Pākehā, the...

Social Minds in the Novel by Alan Palmer (review)

Laurence M. Porter
Issue 136
...or film. His main examples, in path-breaking analyses of George Eliot’s Middlemarch and Charles Dickens’s Little Dorrit, come from nineteenth-century British literature, but they should inspire studies in other areas....

Derrida and Durkheim on Suffering

Melanie White
Issue 134
...non-human animals the ability to react, but not respond. And yet, a closer inspection of Durkheim’s theory of society complicates any straightforward application of Derrida’s deconstruction of the human-animal opposition....

Sovereignty Conditioned and Unconditioned

Paul Patton
Issue 134
...In these and other ways, these lectures function as a workshop in which analyses, interpretations and commentaries can be worked out, perhaps with a view to future, more formal publication....

Drone Penalty

David Wills
Issue 134
...a writing that attempts to address what we call current events, particularly an academic writing—as distinct, for example, from journalistic writing—whose rhythms of composition and publication obey particular protocols and...

“Of Politics, Aesthetics, and Guilty Subjects”

John Champagne
Issue 134
...critical practice will be adequate to the political commitments that inspire it” (2-3). Wiegman’s book is an attempt to do so. The remainder of the book is divided into chapters...

An Actor of the Street: Events, Agencies, and Gatherings

Jordan Crandall
Issue 126
Beginning with the mid-century rise of computing, the practice of tracking has relied on observational experts installed in the control rooms of military and intelligence operations—specialists skilled in the detection...

Romantic Conservatism in Burke, Wordsworth, and Wendell Berry

Katey Castellano
Issue 125
...lost harmony between humans and nature” (229). Foreseeing that the rise and progress of industrial modernity might irreversibly erode both the landscape and local communities, Romantic literature questions humanistic, technological...

Introduction: Graphic Narratives and Narrative Theory

Jared Gardner, David Herman
Issue 124
This special issue assembles an international group of scholars to explore emerging connections between comics studies and narrative theory—two fields which, until the last five to ten years, have developed...

Poems and Monsters: Pierre Alferi’s “Cinépoésie”

Éric Trudel, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 123 one of his recent titles, everything begins. Ça commence à Séoul (2007) is the result of a collaboration between Pierre Alferi and sculptor Jacques Julien. In this poetic and...

Sound Ideas: Music, Machine and Experience (review)

Christopher Roberts
Issue 123
...silence nor noise nor mere sound, music is sound marked, qualified, stereotyped, somehow distinctive, and thus communicative. Music research presents practical challenges as well. While a scholar discussing a painting...

Spiritual Politics After Deleuze: Introduction

Joshua Delpech-Ramey, Paul A. Harris
Issue 121
Religious discourse now permeates the theoretical humanities. At least since Jacques Derrida’s insistence upon complex connections between deconstruction and negative theology, there has been an onslaught of writing connecting the...

Liberation Theology: Deleuze and Althaus-Reid

Kristien Justaert
Issue 121
The contemporary relation between theology and philosophy is a complicated one, but there is at least one strand in theology that has always explicitly used philosophical mediations to clarify and...

Preface: Fidelity to the Unruly

Zahi Zalloua
Issue 120
...this kind of designation, while useful in pointing to a perceived shift in the concerns of interpretive communities, risks homogenizing the unruly voices responsible for such a turn. A genealogy...

The On-tology of Beckett’s Nohow On

Peter Poiana
Issue 119
...narratives, Company, Ill Seen Ill Said and Worstward Ho gave rise to a similar controversy. When John Calder first published the three prose texts in Britain under the single title...