Phobic Postcards

This project explores phobia through twelve videos and many notes–absurd fears, where there is nothing to fear, really. During these two years, I looked into the history of philosophy for traces of philosopher’s phobias. I believe I have found a few : Descartes certainly had a phobia of water. I have also tried various philosophical and unphilosophical cures. I have tried to joke about my phobias. Following a side-remark in Baudelaire’s diary, I have tried running a marathon. I tried laying on a psychoanalyst’s couch. But, in the end, I resolved to adopt Bachelard’s cure, and submit to a sort of an imaginary training. It is like re-accomplishing the labors of Hercules so as to master in imagination all kinds of dangers. I have turned myself into an ImOrg (like one speaks of a Cyborg) : an Imaginary Organism.