
The Freedom to Breathe

Jan Söffner
Issue 160
...this feeling for and the experience of freedom is not new. It is certainly not by chance, not when, for example, cigarette ads link freedom (of choice and attitude) to...

The Air of Liberty: A Transatlantic Perspective

Kieran M. Murphy
Issue 160
...Guardian, 8 June 2020, Accessed 10 July 2021. Rediker, Marcus. Foreword. The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution, by Julius S. Scott, 2018, pp....

Overtones: A Collage

Paul Youngquist
Issue 160
...Afflicted with perfect pitch, Newborn couldn’t follow their cries and whispers. They flew free from the comforting staff. Still you feel them, hear their immeasurable sound. Don Cherry: “I’ve always...

At the Beginning, There Was the Mask

Françoise Vergès
Issue 160
...Joyce. “What is the Environmental Impact Of The Mining Industry?” WorldAtlas, 25 April 2017, Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of spirit.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Kilomba, Grada. “The Mask: Remembering Slavery,...

Breathing Without a Head: Plant Respirations in John Gerrard’s Smoke Trees

Orchid Tierney
Issue 160
...compares to other years,” National Geographic, Aug. 29, 2019. Accessed March 29, 2021. Choy, Timothy K. Ecologies of Comparison: An Ethnography of Endangerment in Hong Kong. Duke University Press,...

Gasping for Breath: Democracy à bout de souffle?

Rosemarie Scullion
Issue 160
...introduced was impelled by its fervent desire to reinvent democratic life and to imagine bold new forms of human emancipation, expression and collective self-actualization. Consider, for example, the throngs of...

The Problem with Breath

Églantine Colon
Issue 160
...regular basis, falling in and out of love with the same wrong comrades, over and over again, and always out of sync. The loving gestures we composed were barely legible...

Respire, Con-spire

Marielle Macé, Alexis Stanley
Issue 160
...not exactly a responsibility, but something comparable to a compromise, commitment, or promise. It is a familiar tragedy that we breathe in a suffocating world and share in air polluted...


Françoise Lionnet
Issue 160
...and with the community that inhabits it. Going out of the mother, I come into the air, I enter into the world, and into the community of living beings. (312)...

Comics as a Test Case for Transmedial Narratology

Karin Kukkonen
Issue 124
...readers. This story can be short and limited, like those in newspaper comic strips, or it can be sprawling, complex, and ambitious, like many comics series and graphic novels. Thus...

Two Narracts

Antoine Volodine, Ben Streeter
Issue 160
...l’horreur de la nuit continuait. Il courait au hasard, comme s’il était poursuivi ou comme s’il avait commis un crime. Les repères manquaient, rien n’était visible, et il comptait sur...

Surfing the Sublime: Tim Winton’s Breath and Eco-Heroism

Steve Mentz
Issue 160
...role himself.5656On Winton’s solitary and somewhat macho persona in contemporary Australia, see this profile in the New York Times: Accessed 8 June 2021. The last counter-heroic element in Breath...


John Cayley
Issue 160
...the music/poetic balance of Cage’s work and features mesostic-generating programs by Jim Rosenberg, a pioneer of language art with computation. Remarks in the discussion signal the loss, once computation is...

Conspiring (Sympnea and Dyspnea)

Peter Szendy
Issue 160
...when, during the second semester of this lecture course (§ 42), Heidegger follows “the path of a comparative examination of three guiding theses: the stone is worldless, the animal is...

Learning to Breathe | FiveFragments Against Racism

B. Venkat Mani
Issue 160
...behind the thin veil of not one, but several diversity and solidarity statements, anti-racism trainings, commemorative plaques, climate surveys, and festive atmosphere of faculty-of-color receptions. Chauvin’s knee in the academe...


Steven Connor
Issue 160
...Shorter Prose 1945-1980, John Calder, 1984). Connor, Steven. “Choralities.” Twentieth-Century Music, vol. 13, 2016, pp. 3-23. —. “Ludicrous Inbodiment.”, Steven Connor, 2017, .com/inbodiment.html Darwin, Erasmus. The Botanic Garden: A...

Be Strong, Breathe

Évelyne Trouillot
Issue 160
...wind. Where am I? Come on! You can do it. Be strong. Come on, breathe! All my life I wanted to breathe, and now that they are urging me to,...

Sublime Comedy: On the Inhuman Rights of Clowns

Joshua Delpech-Ramey
Issue 122
...those of a modern comedy. Beckett—whose theater, when “completed” correctly, is truly hilarious—was well aware of this. (75) Now of course the comedy Badiou has in mind here is not...

Haïti Can’t Breathe

Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey, David F. Bell
Issue 160
...few snippets of news come to me: the rise of kidnapping, political instability, the opposition declaring that the presidential mandate has ended, a government sponsored referendum to change the constitution,...

Take My Breath Away

Eric Hayot
Issue 160
...immense comfort, confronts the (equally understandable) demand to reduce the use of fossil fuels, the building of factories, and the like. We’ve had our development, the West says. But you...

From Where Do We Draw Breath? Air’s Absence and Blackness

Delali Kumavie
Issue 160
...of Being/Power/ Truth/Freedom: Towards the Human, After Man, Its Overrepresentation—An Argument.” CR: The New Centennial Review, vol. 3, no. 3, 2003, pp. 257–337.; and “1492: A New World View.” Race,...

Comme Elle Respire: Memory of Breath, Breath of Memory

Frédérique Berthet
Issue 160
...exhaling and inhaling is learned for life—je t’aime comme je respire, elle parle comme elle respire, il ment comme il respire7676Translator’s note: these three expressions use breathing in ways that...

Math Anxiety: Making Room to Breathe

Valerie Allen, Todd Stambaugh
Issue 160
...disparity suggest themselves: appointing more women and people of color in the profession; one-on-one tutorial assistance; research projects about the students’ personal environment; privileging pre-test, low-stakes work over timed tests;...

Introduction: Breathe

The Editors of SubStance
Issue 160
...2020, SubStance‘s editorial committee expanded to include four new members: Églantine Colon, Marion Froger, Thangam Ravindranathan, and Rebecca Walkowitz. Emerging from a year darkened by a deadly global pandemic, yet...

Breathing with Mountains

Paul A. Harris
Issue 160
...Compositions Pierre Jardin’s geologic aspirations began with a Composition of Place, a meditative technique deployed in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. Loyola stipulates that “for contemplation or meditation...

Fresh Air

Pierre Cassou-Noguès, Gwenola Wagon
Issue 160
...components. Again, we make science-fiction in found footage. We just look for commercials, images, and newspaper articles on the Web. When we give numbers, these numbers may be wrong (but...

Breathing: Proustian Therapy

Christopher Prendergast
Issue 160 distilled into comedy, all terrifying thoughts temporarily banished as Proust the satirist comes out to play. His young narrator suffers periodic breathing “crises,” but for the most part these...

Abstraction in Comics

Jan Baetens
Issue 124
The study of narrative in comics (which I will use as a general term covering both mainstream comics and more highbrow graphic novels) has often been a mere copy of...

On Sharing Breath

Jody Sperling
Issue 160
...of Matter, Duke University Press, 2007. Brennan, Teresa. Exhausting Modernity: Grounds for a New Economy. Routledge, 2000. Burtner, Matthew. “Ecoacoustics.”, Matthew Burtner, 2022, Morton, Timothy. The Ecological Thought....

Pairing breaths: Rabah Ameur-Zaïmech’s Terminal Sud (2019)

Marion Froger, David F. Bell
Issue 160
...can provoke. The “vital affects” (Stern)9797“On ne peut parler d’affect ou de niveau d’activation comme on parlerait d’éléments statiques. Il faut tenir compte de la courbe exprimant son déroulement dans...


Sydney Levy
Issue 160
...see how pervasive it is, from what we say of the “lifespan” of an institution to the trite “Live TV,” just to name a couple of examples that immediately come...

The Touch of the Real in New Historicism and Psychoanalysis

James Newlin
Issue 130
...on the New Historicism since 1997, without recognizing its context in Greenblatt and the New Historicists’ querying of historiography. Would our fantastical student first assume that Greenblatt was a Lacanian?...

On the Nose

David F. Bell
Issue 160
...uniqueness, see, for example, Ingold, pp. 349 We remarked earlier that olfaction has connections to various parts of the brain in ways that are not completely parallel with the other...

Deleuze and World Cinemas by David Martin-Jones (review)

Gerald Sim
Issue 148
...industry. Among the works that comprise this body of writing, the offerings from Martin-Jones have been reliably lucid and instructive. His readership likely extends beyond committed scholars who are looking...

French Writers and the Politics of Complicity (review)

Andrew Sobanet
Issue 119
In a thought-provoking and well-researched new book, Richard Golsan explores the politics of complicity in two heterogeneous groups of French writers. Focusing on the 1940s and the 1990s, Golsan analyzes...

Introduction: Comics and The Anarchist Imagination

Frederik Byrn Køhlert, Ole Birk Laursen
Issue 143
This special issue brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to reflect on comics and the anarchist imagination. The curators of the 2014 British Library exhibition, “Comics Unmasked: Art and...

Inspiration/Expiration (Completion)

Grégory Chatonsky
Issue 160
This text was co-written with an artificial intelligence (AI). This so-called author wrote a sentence, then the software continued, and so on, each influencing the other, completing each other. Another...

Comics, Form, and Anarchy

Frederik Byrn Køhlert
Issue 143
At least since their modern inception in the late nineteenth century, comics have been deeply entwined with anti-authoritarian politics and resistance. As the various contributors to this special issue point...