
Beckett after Beckett (review)

Timothy Scheie
Issue 125
Few modern writers command a literary stamp as distinct as Samuel Beckett’s, yet the starkness that characterizes the Beckettian imaginary (particularly in the theater), however familiar, leaves intentions elusive, messages...

Painting’s Figural Territory: An Impossible Refrain

Christopher Gontar
Issue 121
...“supersensible” or thing-in-itself. In a section of his Third Critique, Kant grappled with taste as a judgment that is subjective yet relies on a sensus communis. This gives rise to...

How to Live with Roland Barthes

Patrick ffrench
Issue 120
...will in time attain completion. Barthes values the proleptic, or dilatory gesture over the completed whole; the statement “Plus tard…,” moreover, works in secret as a denunciation of the “monstre...

How to Look Death in the Eyes: Freud and Bataille

Liran Razinsky
Issue 119
...1915, is a fascinating discussion about our attitudes towards death, which comprise both a “cultural-conventional attitude” that Freud so pertinently, almost wickedly, criticizes, and the attitude common to the unconscious...

Nature and its Discontents

Slavoj Žižek
Issue 117
...produces the wealth of society; (3) it consists of the exploited members of society; (4) its members are the needy people in society. When these four features are combined, they...

Waste and Abundance: The Measure of Consumption

Susan Cahill, Emma Hegarty, Emilie Morin
Issue 116
Current headlines demonstrate that our widespread search for abundance has become a source of general concern. The press now abounds in debates about waste management, patterns of consumption and production,...

Breathing Emily Dickinson: Inspiration/Expiration

Eric Méchoulan
Issue 160
...hour behind the fleeting breath G. Share; experience; partake of; have in common When it comes, the Landscape listens — Shadows — hold their breath — H. Inhale deeply; rest...

Tarkos Births a Vowel

yasser elhariry
Issue 154
...conditions and possibilities of its own rebirth. I take Tarkos’s first recorded video performance as a point of departure for contextualizing the landscape of contemporary French poetry, then define the...

Language After Heidegger by Krzysztof Ziarek (review)

José Felipe Alvergue
Issue 140
...of these works, which were written in the 1930s and 1940s, builds a useful bridge between Heidegger’s philosophy on language and the performance of language itself. This distinction, which Ziarek...

Heights They Should Never Have Scaled: Our (Weird) Planet

Gry Ulstein
Issue 156
...reveal tensions in how we conceptualize the environment, the human, and the nonhuman. By comparing the narrative strategies in the walrus scene to similar strategies in Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach...


For over 50 years, SubStance has published rigorous, creative contributions to contemporary critical debates from a range of theoretical perspectives. Consistent with our commitment to readers and authors to expect...


...length is usually between 7,000 and 8,000 words. Please edit longer articles so the argument comes forward succinctly. Hybrid pieces length will be considered on an individual basis. Our review...

Varieties of Nothing

John Brenkman
Issue 155
...with Nietzsche in the antifoundationalist, postmodern philosophy of Gianni Vattimo, and with Pascal in the reflexive sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, occasions pertinent comparisons to Blanchot as a reader of Pascal...

Clon’d, or a Note on Propagation

Adam R. Rosenthal
Issue 148
...philological analysis of the word “clone,” I then turn to the conceptual parallels between vegetative reproduction and linguistic reproduction. Through a comparison between the clone and the double, I argue,...

Preview: The Petriverse of Pierre Jardin

Paul A. Harris
Issue 148
SubStance@Work, a peer-reviewed imprint of SubStance, Inc., is a series comprised of born-digital works that integrate non-linear structure and multimedia content in innovative theoretical explorations. New works are previewed in...

Claire Denis and the World Cinema of Refusal

Rosalind Galt
Issue 133 Argentina, Iceland and Greece in the 2000s. Embedded as it almost always is within the global circuits of capitalist culture, cinema has a particularly complex relationship to globalization: these...

Art and Value: An Essay in Three Voices

Patrick Colm Hogan
Issue 131
...Indeed, when it comes to teachers and students of literature, even that question is not quite accurate. Rather, there are three separate questions. First, should verbal art matter? Put differently,...

Introduction: “Impacting” Higher Education?

Eric Méchoulan, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 130
...of the public and the construction of a common ground. On the contrary, it seems that this allows the university to be appropriated by those with the means to do...

Elove: What Does Fiction Know?

Sydney Levy
Issue 147
What does it take to make a machine that you may love and that has the potential of loving you back? It is the necessary conceptual components, as opposed to...

Cybertrance Devices: Countercultures of the Cybernetic Man-Machine

Mathieu Triclot, Charles La Via
Issue 147
...examined: the immersive multimedia installations of psychedelic culture, the flicker and its physiological effects, biofeedback devices, and the digital translations, in the world of computing, of these first analogical devices....

Refusing Impact: Aesthetic Economy and Given Time

Anthony Mellors
Issue 130
...secret anti-commune to escape a regime bent on destroying the American economy through its utilitarian, bureaucratic, and welfare-based directives, all of which are designed to serve a coterie of muddleheaded,...

Encounters with Impact

Wendelin Werner, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 130
One of the recurring themes in discussions among mathematicians, whether in informal lunch hour talks or in more formal committees, is what might be called “simplistic impact-bashing.” We are more...

Love in the Time of Capital

Mark Steven
Issue 147
...cinema has evolved. These two theses are explored concurrently as they advance through the twentieth- and into the twenty-first century, evolving a visual language of what Badiou calls “minimal communism.”...

1, 2, 3, 4 Futures—Ludic Forms in Narrative Films

Henriette Heidbrink
Issue 130
...rely on well-known narrative schemata, and on the other hand they comprise something that is actually impossible: alternative futures. One central thesis raised by spokespersons of the forking-path-debate claims that,...