
Divinatory Chances

Rocco Gangle
Issue 121
Two issues for Deleuze’s thought converge in its encounter with combinatorial divination: (1) the problem of a philosophical affirmation of the “whole of chance” or of “all chance in a...

Coughin’/Coffin Air

Adilifu Nama
Issue 160
...of wealth extraction enshrined the public ruin of Black bodies with public beatings to compel compliance, and later public lynchings to intimidate and psychologically terrorize Black folk into a forever...

Breathing with Denise Levertov

Noëlle Batt
Issue 160
...who would at last be wise enough to remain discreet, and refrain from any untimely interference with the life of the Earth. Works Cited Levertov, Denise. “The Breathing.”, .com/The-Breathing...

On the Nose

David F. Bell
Issue 160
...finger, rubbing it lovingly against the front gum of the mouth. Freud’s “Über Coca” looms ominously in the background, the work of a phase in Freud’s professional career complicated by...

Introduction: Reading After Blanchot

Zakir Paul
Issue 155
...So how, if at all, does Blanchot speak to the present? Responses to this question are quickly complicated by the rich and varied reception of his work. A lifelong friend...

Spatial Stream of Consciousness

Joshua Armstrong
Issue 148
...its obsessions for information, technology, and space—depicts a crossroads of subjectivity. At that crossroads, natural and computational connotations of “stream” collide, fueling the novel’s central crisis. The misadventures of Rolin’s...

The Mother of Us All?

Kevin Kopelson
Issue 133
...mother to whom both the coming-out testament and its continued refusal to come out are addressed?” asks Sedgwick. “And isn’t some scene like that,” she asks as well, “behind the...

Globing the Earth: The New Eco-logics of Nature

Ranjan Ghosh
Issue 127
...of nature? Is living with/in nature all about encountering the spectre of the “unborn”—those who will come after us and who in some sense now must command the unfolding of...

La séduction de la fiction by Jean-François Vernay (review)

Diana Mistreanu
Issue 159
Published in Hermann’s prestigious “Savoirs Lettres” book series founded by Michel Foucault, Jean-François Vernay’s latest work is a compelling neurophenomenology of literary fiction. This makes it a valuable contribution to...

Soundscape and Power

Serge Cardinal, Oana Avasilichioaei
Issue 152
In Balcony in the Forest, Julien Gracq composes a soundscape as a series of spatial events and material affects. He snatches it from “the smoke and the suburbs of Charleville”...

“The Authenticity of Exile” between Blanchot and Levinas

Michael Krimper
Issue 144
In 1956, Emmanuel Levinas devoted a provocative essay to the writing of his friend and companion in thought, Maurice Blanchot, entitled “The Poet’s Vision.” Therein, Levinas closely examines Blanchot’s meditations...

Introduction: Film and / as Ethics

Robert Sinnerbrink, Lisa Trahair
Issue 141
...that intersect with, without being reducible to, philosophical inquiry. Inspired by the work of Gilles Deleuze and Stanley Cavell, many theorists are now engaged in what has come to be...

Letters for the Blind

Robert S. Lehman
Issue 139
In the autumn of 1798, Immanuel Kant published what was (excluding lecture notes) his final work, The Conflict of the Faculties. The latter comprises three essays, which ostensibly address the...

Posing Sex: Prospects for a Perceptual Ethics

Alan Singer
Issue 139
Sexuality and sexual desire remain tantalizing conundrums for the universalizing intellect, desirous of comprehending the human condition even in its most unconditional manifestations. The representation of sexuality in the history...

Introduction: Translation Matters

Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt, André Habib
Issue 137 the transnational circulation of ideas and cultural productions in a global cultural context. Yet translation – and the untranslatability it elicits and sometimes implies – has come to embody...

Posthuman Temporality: Mitchell’s Ghostwritten

Jonathan Boulter
Issue 136
...Time Heidegger offers a way of coming to understand the human as temporally fixed as both futural and as a site of an aporetic historicality: in other words Being comes...

Speculative Romanticism

Greg Ellermann
Issue 136, speculative realism encompasses an entire spectrum of philosophies “committed to upholding the autonomy of reality … against the depredations of anthropocentrism” (Brassier et al. 306). After a century of...

Human Exceptionalism on the Line

Vicki Kirby
Issue 134
...thinker of origins, we should not be surprised by his forensic attention to what is particular about human genesis—those capacities whose unique achievement and comparative complexity are purportedly without precedent....


Patrick Llored, Matthew Chrulew, Brett Buchanan
Issue 134
...heart, beckoning toward the establishment and institution of a border between the two, but rather one that comes to blur, to rework and accordingly to complexify the limits between them....


Frédéric Neyrat
Issue 126
“What characterizes the comical is the infinite satisfaction, the sense of security one experiences in feeling oneself to be above one’s own contradiction, rather than seeing in it a cruel...

Perhaps Cultivating Touch Can Still Save Us

Luce Irigaray
Issue 126 must conform. Communicating with the other would require the neutralization of the singular belonging from each and the adoption of an artificially neutral attitude that cuts us off from...