
Ancient Land Breathing

Thangam Ravindranathan
Issue 160
...Roy, had become “the new currency” on the nation’s “morbid new stock exchange,”with Twitter engorged with pleas for oxygen cylinders and hospital beds with ventilators, while officials got to work...

Globing the Earth: The New Eco-logics of Nature

Ranjan Ghosh
Issue 127
...of nature? Is living with/in nature all about encountering the spectre of the “unborn”—those who will come after us and who in some sense now must command the unfolding of...

Life Writing and Cognition

Lisa Zunshine
Issue 159 Nazi Germany and want to come to terms with your transformation from a teenage acolyte of Hitler to a famous East-German writer, you should write a brilliant soul-searching memoir...

The Most Crucial Gesture for a Living Being

Luce Irigaray
Issue 160
...That is not to say that I have merely adopted these cultures as mine, the matter is more complex. For example, we have developed, in the West, a subjectivity that...


Katherine Ibbett
Issue 160 the organizing of English and Dutch and German responses to Huguenot suffering, came a new organization of transnational political community. During the years of the Refuge, at a moment...

The Commotion of Souls

Lisa Zunshine
Issue 140
I love bringing my six-year-old to the Metropolitan Museum of Art when we are in New York in the summer. On Thursdays, they have a special hour for children. A...

Comment ne pas trembler?: Derrida’s Earthquake

Laurence Simmons
Issue 132
Jacques Derrida began a lecture entitled “Comment ne pas trembler,” that he delivered on 17 July 2004 at the Fondazione Europea del Disegno in Meina on the shores of Lago...

Coughin’/Coffin Air

Adilifu Nama
Issue 160
...of wealth extraction enshrined the public ruin of Black bodies with public beatings to compel compliance, and later public lynchings to intimidate and psychologically terrorize Black folk into a forever...

The New Digital Flesh of Fantastic Bodies

Denis Mellier, Charles La Via
Issue 147
From the fantastic inscribed on bodies, frightening as well as suffering bodies, and cinematic technologies inventing new spectacular forms of these bodies, a history of the one based on the...

Teleiopoetic World

Peggy Kamuf
Issue 134 come, the unexpected world, where all will have come and gone, again, an utterly changed world, not the same and yet still abiding, still awaiting, still bearing what is...

Pierre Alferi: Compressing and Disconnecting

Agnès Disson, Roxanne Lapidus
Issue 123
“L’Hypothèse du compact” is the title of a text by the poet Jacques Roubaud that appeared in the first issue of the Revue de Littérature Générale in 1995, edited at...

Deep Dream (The Network’s Dream)

Grégory Chatonsky
Issue 140
It seems that brain, thought and computer have become intertwined and now share a common fate. An important part of neuroscience not only requires a computational paradigm but also relies...

Touch in the Abstract

Aden Evens
Issue 126
...the computer, as active input falls to the fingertips. At the computer, you express yourself, communicate your desires, by executing a gesture chosen from among a very few possibilities: you...


Luk Van den Dries
Issue 160
...tight collaboration with Jan Fabre and the three most important performers/teachers of the Belgian theatre company, Troubleyn (Annabelle Chambon, Cédric Charron, and Ivana Jozič). The book sheds new light on...

Dancing Across the Page by Karen Barbour (review)

Milisava Petković
Issue 137
Dancing Across the Page is a monograph by New Zealand author Karen Barbour, a contemporary choreographer and performer with scholarly training in philosophy and the social sciences. As her title...

André Breton’s and Eugène Atget’s Valentines

Andrea Loselle
Issue 118
...antiquity to the ephemeral newspaper—to verify its unreliability. That is not to say that a keen awareness of its origin in speech does not also work itself into examinations of...

SubStance Journal

...without respite. Like that boat that didn’t stop pitching like a mean and savage wind. Where am I? Come on! You can do it. Be strong. Come on, breathe! All...

The Story of the Raven and the Robot*

Pierre Cassou-Noguès
Issue 147
The aim of this paper is to study the relationship of companion robots to the uncanny, using popular depictions of these robots. I start by presenting a few companion robots...

Some Medium-Specific Qualities of Graphic Sequences

Pascal Lefèvre
Issue 124
...what follows I shall focus on some narrative opportunities and constraints in the medium of comics, as compared to those of other narrative media such as printed texts and cinema....