Table of Contents
Introduction: Fabled Thought: On Jacques Derrida’s The Beast & the Sovereign
Teleiopoetic World
Derrida’s Preoccupation with the Archive in The Beast and the Sovereign
“Might sovereignty be devouring?”: Derrida and the Fable
Human Exceptionalism on the Line
Sovereignty’s Ontological Indecision: Derrida and Heidegger on the Other Line (Between the Human and the Animals)
The Monolingualism of the Human
Derrida and Durkheim on Suffering
“An art of both caring and locking up”: Biopolitical Thresholds in the Zoological Garden
The Will for Self-Preservation: Locke and Derrida on Dominion, Property and Animals
Sovereignty Conditioned and Unconditioned
Drone Penalty
“Of Politics, Aesthetics, and Guilty Subjects”
Performance Degree Zero: Roland Barthes and the Theatre by Timothy Scheie (review)