Table of Contents
“Say a Body. Where None.”: Beckett’s Worstward Ho and Sartre’s Theory of the Imagination
Impersonal Belongings: Annie Ernaux’s Poetics of Chiffonnage
Parasites, Viruses, and Baisetioles: Poetry as Viral Language
The End of Prediction? AI Technologies in a No-Analog World
Cultural Necromancy: Digital Resurrection and Hegemonic Incorporation
Anticipating Illness: The Illusion of Health in Knock ou Le Triomphe de la Médecine
Literature: Why It Matters, by Robert Eaglestone (review)
A Partial Truth (Poems 2015–19) by Christopher Norris (review)
The American Politics of French Theory: Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation by Jason Demers (review)