Table of Contents
The Postlingual Turn
Translating Whispers: Recitation, Realism, Religion
World Literature in Stereo: Magnetic Tape and the Media Futures of Global Literary History
Tarkos Births a Vowel
Exceedingly Non-Monolingual: Associating with Uljana Wolf and Christian Hawkey’s sonne from ort
Less Than One Language: Typographic Multilingualism and Post-Anglophone Fiction
The Inappropriable: On Oikology, Care, and Writing Life
Shakespeare’s Spam Poethics
Faciality and Ontological Doubt in Ralph Eugene Meatyard’s Photography
Inuit Songs and Resonating Lyres: Harmony and Resonance in Jean-Luc Nancy’s The Inoperative Community
Liban. Mémoires fragmentées d’une guerre obsédante: L’anamnèse dans la production Culturelle francophone (2000–2015) by Carla Calargé (review)
4E Cognition and Eighteenth-Century Fiction: How the Novel Found its Feet by Karin Kukkonen (review)